Thank You, Houston - the 2023 Fundraiser Was a Success!

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Thank You, Houston - the 2023 Fundraiser Was a Success!

Houston, TX—October 23, 2023 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, welcomed guests to the annual fundraising extravaganza as part of their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department. "175 Years Answering The Call" gave guests the opportunity to show their support for the men and women of the Houston Fire Department.

The Foundation presented the first annual “Community Hero” Award to Dr. Lucky A. Chopra, Advanced Diagnostics, for his continued support of the foundation and its fund-raising activities.

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Houston, TX—December 6, 2022 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, has launched a new website to focus attention on their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department. The website was designed as a pro bono account by American Fortune Cookie, an internet marketing firm.